
Publication details [#37920]

Martins, Márcia A. P. and Andréia Guerini, eds. 2018. Palavra de tradutor: reflexões sobre tradução por tradutores brasileiros [The translator’s word: reflections on translation by Brazilian translators]. Florianópolis: Editora UFSC. 205 pp. URL
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Portuguese, Brazilian


This book brings together reflections on translation and its practice from the viewpoints of a variety of Brazilian translators. These are non-systematized reflections which were produced in different historical contexts spanning over two hundred years, starting from the end of the 18th century. They come from paratexts and metatexts written by translators, men and women, which offer approaches to diverse textual genres: from technical/scientific writings to fiction, as well as children’s literature, epic and lyrical poetry, and drama.
Source : Based on editor’s introduction

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