
Publication details [#3810]

Garrido Nombela, Ramón. 2000. La traducción en los organismos internacionales y sus aplicaciones para la enseñanza de la traducción [Translation in international organizations and its applications to translation teaching]. In Valero-Garcés, Carmen and Isabel de la Cruz Cabanillas, eds. Traducción y nuevas tecnologías: herramientas auxiliares del traductor [Translation and new technologies: tools for the translator]. Alcalá de Henares: Servicio de Publicaciones de UAH. pp. 47–59.


Technical translation is undervalued in spite of being professionally and economically much more important than literary translation. The paper offers a survey of the documents generated by the European Union, which have the didactic advantage of being texts which are really translated and which should be taught to translation students.
Source : BITRA / J. F. Aixelá