
Publication details [#38490]


Despite the importance of online information-seeking behaviour being recognised by many researchers (Enriquez Raido, 2011, 2014; Gough, 2015; Hvelplund, 2017, 2019), only a handful of studies have focused on them. This study therefore sets out to explore how professional translators navigate the web with respect to their query behaviour (i.e. primary action) and their browsing and clicking behaviour (i.e. secondary action) (White, 2016, pp. 21–37). Unlike previous studies, it adopts a qualitative eye-tracking methodology, i.e. eye-tracking stimulated retrospective think-aloud (RTA) with ten professional translators. A model of what is involved in translators’ primary and secondary actions and how these two actions interact with one another is presented as a result.
Source : Publisher information