
Publication details [#38496]


This chapter explores how humour oriented to a cultural community is subtitled from a creative approach. For that purpose, a case study is carried out on the Spanish translation of Veep, an American satire comedy containing references to a sociopolitical and culture-specific background through jokes that may be uncommon to the target audience. The study delves into the notion of creativity as an approach to render humour into the target text, prioritising the comical function over the linguistic form, and consists of: 1) a typology for the types of humour found in this comedy; 2) a categorisation of the translation strategies applied from what is termed a creative approach; and 3) an experiment with 41 participants as an evaluative measure to assess the viewers’ reception of the translated humour. The results show that, when translators resort to adaptative strategies to create comicalness in the target text, a positive reaction is obtained among the viewers.
Source : Publisher information