
Publication details [#40931]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


This chapter aims to bring to light and vindicate the memory of women in the history of translation and, at the same time, the memory of translation in the history of women, on the basis of a feminist historiographic approach to translation that aims to contextualise the factors that favour, determine, censor, or veto the production and circulation of the works and translations written by women. The chapter proposes to study the interaction of two subaltern histories during the democratic Transition in Spain, those of women and translation, more or less ignored by the patriarchal discourses of history in general, by concentrating on the reception and censorship in the context of Catalonia of three North American radical symbolic mothers of the 70s, who are again fresh inspiration for the renewed radical spirit of present-day feminisms that are battling against such long-established patriarchy: Firestone (1945–2012), Millett (1934–2017), and Solanas (1936–1988).
Source : Based on publisher information