
Publication details [#4186]

Lawick, Brozio and Anna van Heike. 2001. Metaforicitat i traductologia: anàlisi d'un corpus de traduccions de l'alemany (L-origen) a diverses llengües romàniques (L-meta) [Metaphoricalness and translatology: an analysis of a corpus of translations from German (SL) into several romance languages (TLs)]. Castelló de la Plana: Universitat Jaume I.
Publication type
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Edition info
Unpublished PhD.


The author analyses from a cognitive perspective different metaphors in two texts by Kafka and Brecht through translations into several Romance languages. When metaphors are based on parts of the human body, there is a tendency to share the origin in many different languages, enabling a contrastive study. The dissertation also studies the evolution of the different types of metaphors. In a final instance, it describes the translation strategies comparing them with the stylistic characteristics of the source texts.
Source : Based on BITRA / J. F. Aixelá