Publication details [#42074]
Wang, Junping (王军平) and Zhengjie Bo. 2017. 规范“违抗”背后的译者抉择——以《域外小说集》译介过程为例 [A Translator's Choice Behind the "Violation" of Norms: taking the translation and introduction process of Yuwaixiaoshuoji as an example]. Foreign Languages Research (外语研究) 34 (1) : 80–84.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject
Title as subject
From the perspective of translation sociology, translator behaviour is a reflection of the final choice made by the translator through interaction with the translation norms based on individual habitus. The early translation of Lu Xun and Zhou Shuren's Yuwaixiaoshuoji failed, which can be attributed to the translator's behaviour that violated the mainstream norms of translation at that time. Specifically, in terms of the motivation of translation, the selection of translation materials, the translation method, and the choice of language, they were almost completely "violating" the mainstream norms of that time. This article attempts to explore the habitus of the translators and consider the actual social factors in that period to study the reasons for the translator's “violation” of norms, and then reveals the effect of the interaction between the translator's habitus and translation norms on translator behaviour.
Source : Based on abstract in journal