
Publication details [#42131]

Baldo de Brébisson, Sabrina and Stephanie Genty, eds. 2019. L'Intraduisible: les méandres de la traduction [The untranslatable: the twists and turns of translation]. Arras: Artois Presses Université. 448 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language


This volume has set itself the objective of reflecting on the notions of the translatable and the untranslatable in a situation. What could be more exciting than to analyze the work of a translator who bravely faces an oral, written slip, a play on letters, words or wit, without going astray? What linguistic, socio-cultural or other realities are hidden behind a thorny cultureme or sociolect? What are the meandering solutions of last resort that make it possible to go from a case untranslatable in theory to a case translated in practice? The rich background of the authors, sometimes theorists, sometimes practitioners, sometimes both, has made it possible to answer these questions and many others, by combining attempts at theorizing translation and translating practice. The means employed by translators, adapters or interpreters in the face of their blockages and sacrifices, their discoveries and daring - all these peregrinations which can lead to ambivalent positions are analyzed. The fields of research studied are varied: literature, poetry, linguistics, IT, law, cinema, culture, society and even religion.
Source : Based on publisher information

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