
Publication details [#4308]

Bourigault, Didier, Christian Jacquemin and Marie-Claude L' Homme, eds. 2001. Recent advances in computational terminology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. xviii + 380 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition info
US ISBN: 1-58811-016-8


This first collection of selected articles from researchers in automatic analysis, storage, and use of terminology, and specialists in applied linguistics, computational linguistics, information retrieval, and artificial intelligence offers new insights into computational terminology. The recent needs for intelligent information access, automatic query translation, cross-lingual information retrieval, knowledge management, and document handling have led practitioners and engineers to focus on automated term handling. The articles in this volume cover themes such as automatic thesaurus construction, automatic term acquisition, automatic term translation, automatic indexing and abstracting, and computer-aided knowledge acquisition.
Source : Based on publisher information

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