
Publication details [#4345]

Fensel, Dieter, James A. Hendler, Henry Lieberman and Wolfgang Wahlster, eds. 2003. Spinning the semantic web: bringing the world wide web to its full potential. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. xxiii + 479 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language


As the World Wide Web continues to expand, it becomes increasingly difficult for users to obtain information efficiently. Because most search engines read format languages such as HTML or SGML, search results reflect formatting tags more than actual page content, which is expressed in natural language. Spinning the Semantic Web describes a new type of hierarchy and standardization that will replace the current "web of links" with a "web of meaning." Using a flexible set of languages and tools, the Semantic Web will make all available information--display elements, metadata, services, images, and especially content--accessible.
Source : Based on publisher information

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