
Publication details [#4378]

Estévez, Luis, José Alberto and M. Carmen Toledano Buendía. 2002. La formación de intérpretes en los servicios públicos en la comunidad autónoma Canaria [Training community interpreters in the Canary Islands autonomous community]. In Valero-Garcés, Carmen and Guzmán Mancho Barés, eds. Traducción e interpretación en los servicios públicos: nuevas necesidades para nuevas realidades [Community interpreting and translating: new needs for new realities]. Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá. pp. 73–78.


Since the academic year 2000-2001, the University of La Laguna has offered a postgraduate course aimed at training professional translators who work in institutions and civic centers and specifically designed to meet the real social demands of Canarias. The objective of this paper is to talk about the experience in the organization of this course: placement tests, curriculum design, sections and subjects, materials, tests, internships in local institutions, etc. The results obtained at the end of this new degree's first year of existence are also discussed. Another objective pursued here - apart from contributing to similar courses which are being created by relating the pilot experience - is to expose this model to the criticism and comments of professionals who have more experience in this area and who can help to improve the training given to our interpreters in the future.
Source : Based on bitra