
Publication details [#43848]

Embabi, Doaa. 2022. Islamic feminism and the renegotiation of new knowledge through translation. Translation Studies 15 (1) : 21–36.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


Despite the fact that Islamic feminism is still a contested area, many studies have been conducted under its name. The Qur’an and Prophetic traditions being at the core of feminists’ work discussing gender inequalities from a faith-oriented position entails an inevitable process of translation, between Arabic and other languages, of works dealing with gender injustices. The article draws on the Habermasian concept of the “translation proviso” addressing the interaction in the public sphere between those who invoke religion and those who do not; and on Jakobson’s concepts of interlingual and intralingual translation. By examining works in English by Islamic feminists, such concepts are employed to show that language, meaning and translation must be considered in discussing their debates on establishing gender equity. Thus, language could indeed be an important starting point for dismantling misconceptions about feminism and the potential mutual learning process achieved when feminism is practiced from a faith-based perspective.
Source : Abstract in journal