Publication details [#43881]
Duprey, Jennifer. 2019. A Palimpsestuous Adaptation: translating Barcelona in Benet i Jornet’s La Plaça del Diamant. In Galasso, Regina and Evelyn Scaramella, eds. Avenues of Translation: the city in Iberian and Latin American writing. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press. pp. 81–96.
Publication type
Chapter in book
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Person as a subject
Title as subject
Mercè Rodoreda’s 1962 novel La Plaça del Diamant has been adapted for the big screen and the stage numerous times and translated from Catalan into over a dozen languages. In her chapter, Duprey moves away from literary translation to focus on the 2007 theatrical translation, or adaptation, by the award-winning playwright and screenwriter Josep M. Benet i Jornet. Duprey’s analysis of this “intersemiotic transposition” develops from the premises that for Barcelona, theater has been a place to dissect urban life and for oppositions to play out, and that Barcelona holds onto the sociopolitical events that have shaped the city, thus creating a palimpsest. Benet i Jornet’s adaptation celebrates these characteristics of the city while carefully intertwining the story of the main character with that of Barcelona and Catalonia. Duprey argues that this “theatrical adaptation materializes history, and spatializes time in the very process of translation from the novel to the dramatic form and the stage.”
Source : Based on editor’s introduction