
Publication details [#4389]

Malingret, Laurence. 2002. Stratégies de traduction: les lettres hispaniques en langue française [Translation strategies: Spanish literature in French language] (Traductologie). Arras: Artois Presses Université. 264 pp.


The author analyses the exchanges between literary systems, taking as a starting point the norms and models governing translation. The book is divided into four parts: the most recent theories in Translation Studies, an approach to current Spanish literature translated into French, a study of prevalent strategies and their corresponding models, and a descriptive analysis of four texts (Albert Bensoussan's translation of ¿Quién mató a Palomino Molero? by Vargas Llosa, René L-F. Durand's translation of Concierto Barroco by Alejo Carpentier and the translations of Juan Rulfo's El llano en llamas by Michelle Lévi-Provencal and by Roger Lescot).
Source : Based on BITRA / J. F. Aixelá

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