Publication details [#4390]
Mallafrè i Gavaldà, Joaquim. 2000. Models de llengua i traducció catalana [Language models and Catalan translation]. In Beeby Lonsdale, Allison, Doris Ensinger and Marisa Presas, eds. Investigating translation (Benjamins Translation Library 32). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 9–27.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Target language
The author studies how a translator acquires a language appropriate for literary translation, in a balance between personal experience and received models of language. Modern translation into Catalan has contributed to the knowledge of world masterpieces, while aiming at retrieving the Catalan language as a literary one. The analysis of two well-known series of literary translations shows tendencies in style, languages chosen, genres, and the social and cultural contexst in which these translations take place.
Source : Bitra