
Publication details [#4485]

Zabalbeascoa Terran, Patrick. 2004. Translating non-segmental features of textual communication: the case of metaphor within a binary-branch analysis. In Hansen, Gyde, Kirsten Malmkjær and Daniel Gile, eds. Claims, changes and challenges in Translation Studies (Benjamins Translation Library 50). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 99–111.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Person as a subject
Title as subject


This paper presents a tree diagram for analysing metaphor translation, following a speculative approach within translation theory. Other translational problems may also benefit from this proposal, especially non-segmental features of texts. Each translation problem should be analysed in its own terms as a way of gaining insight into how problems are solved. The structure of the tree is a type-within-type binary branch analysis of all the solutions that actually exist and other possible solutions. Thus, we may understand a translation’s morale more fully by having a structured framework on which to pin real solutions along with what might have been. Examples are mostly animal metaphors plus a few from a short passage of The Bonfire of the Vanities.
Source : Based on abstract in book