
Publication details [#4491]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The main aim of this paper is to illustrate the personal experience of translators who have migrated to the field of technical communication and/or usability. The results are based on theoretical analysis and a qualitative interview study and are then discussed in the context of translator training and career development. On a theoretical level, translation competence would appear to provide an excellent foundation for professional development into the fields of international technical communication and usability. Professional translators are capable of analyzing both text and situation, carrying out research on requirements and conventions, managing intercultural communication projects and writing reader and user-oriented texts. Thus, their work includes several of the components required in international technical writing and international usability testing. However, there are also important differences between translation and technical communication. This paper compares the competencies required and draws upon both theoretical and empirical (non-representative qualitative) research.
Source : Based on abstract in book