
Publication details [#4494]

Doorslaer, Luc van. 2004. Übersetzung zwischen Nationalismus und Internationalismus [Translating between nationalism and internationalism]. In Hansen, Gyde, Kirsten Malmkjær and Daniel Gile, eds. Claims, changes and challenges in Translation Studies (Benjamins Translation Library 50). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 219–226.


Translation is still a phenomenon that by definition crosses borders and thinks internationally. Still, despite all the efforts to go beyond especially national restrictions, Translation Studies cannot deny the importance of the tensions between national, translational, multinational and international thinking in the discipline. Important and interesting cases in this respect are territories or countries with an institutionalized multilingualism. It is probably not a coincidence that Translation Studies flourish in countries like Finland, Canada or Spain/Catalonia. This article also describes certain aspects of the problematization of language and translation borders in the Dutch language territory (the Netherlands and Belgium). Translations have played an important role in creating an identity that looked for a balance between national and international tendencies. The current language situation in some EU committees and working groups is a revealing example of the use of translation in the politics of power and image.
Source : Based on abstract in book