
Publication details [#44997]

Gravet, Catherine and Katrien Lievois, eds. 2021. Vous avez dit littérature belge francophone? Le défi de la traduction [Did you say French-language Belgian literature? The challenge of translation] (Liminaires – Passages interculturels 48). Bern: Peter Lang. 442 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition info
ISBN (print): 9782807616493 ISBN (e-book) (PDF): 9782807616509 ISBN (e-book) (ePUB): 9782807616516 ISBN (e-book) (MOBI): 9782807616523


French-language Belgian literature constitutes a vast corpus of texts, linked to a specific language and to a given geographic and social area. When examining the translations of works by French-speaking Belgian authors and their conditions of production, the following questions can be asked: which works and authors are privileged and why? How are the texts translated and for whom? By which publishing houses are the translations published? How are the translations received and how do they influence the literature of the host culture? This volume brings together the views of sixteen researchers from different backgrounds on the translation of Belgian-French literary works.
Source : D. van schoor

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