
Publication details [#4502]

Pym, Anthony. 2004. The moving text: localization, translation and distribution (Benjamins Translation Library 49). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. xviii + 223 pp.
Publication type
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Edition info
US ISBN: 1-58811-508-9 Also reviewed in: Jeremy Munday (2006). “Translation Studies”. #Years Work Critical and Cultural Theory# 14 (1): 195-208.


For the discourse of localization, translation is often "just a language problem". For translation theorists, localization introduces fancy words but nothing essentially new. Both views are probably right, but only to an extent. This book sets up a dialogue across those differences. Is there anything that translation theory can gain from localization? Can localization theory learn anything from the history and complexity of translation? To address those questions, both terms are placed within a more general frame, viz. that of text transfer. Texts are distributed in time and space; localization and translation respond differently to those movements; their relative virtues are thus brought out on common ground.
Source : Based on publisher information

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