
Publication details [#45033]

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Chapter in book
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Nonverbal kinemes suggest the semiotic system (Peirce’s tone, token, type) that will contextually code the action impact of one's verbal message. In short, how one's face looks (tone) when one speaks (token) will set the meaning frame (type) for what the listener hears (a translation with value significations). These phenomenological facts are most obvious to persons who engage in transcultural communication. At this level of interaction, the full dynamic system of (1) intra-personal, (2) interpersonal, (3) intra-group, and (4) inter-group communication is on visual display. The analysis uses the basic model of space (proxemics) and kinesics (human body motion). Communicology includes research and application on the emotion cycle of face displays (Happiness > Surprise > Fear > Anger > Disgust > Sadness > [Happiness]). The author reviews the cross-cultural research on the technology of “face recognition software” now current as a growing ethical and political concern for communication policy where there is a cultural perception preference. The analysis compares and contrasts Egocentric (US America) and Sociocentric (PR China) cultures of communication.
Source : Based on publisher information