
Publication details [#45039]

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Chapter in book
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The transmedial translation of emotions happens on three levels, all of which require separate analysis. (1) General transmediality, as the mediation of texts based on interest, free will, and creativity, is both qualitatively as well as emotionally a heterogeneous whole. It is characterized by emotional ambivalence. (2) Database transmediality as a qualitative or typological collection based on the selection from a transmedial corpus of texts. The structure and prestige of the database also affects the attunement of the relation with the texts, and consequently there arise greater advantages for emotional control. (3) Target-oriented transmediality or crossmediality is a pragmatic transmedial translation, the more simple variants of which have a relatively simple emotional dominant (social advertisement, the marketing of a new film or novel, etc.). Depending on the type of transmediality, the transmedial translation of emotions can at the same time be mediating emotions, recognizing, and experiencing them by evoking empathy, distinguishing individual and social emotions, and seeing their mutual relations.
Source : Based on publisher information