
Publication details [#45108]

Pajević, Marko. 2019. Buber/Rosenzweig’s and Meschonnic’s Bible Translations: Biblical Hebrew as transformer of language theory and society. In Głaz, Adam, ed. Languages – Cultures – Worldviews: focus on translation (Palgrave Studies in Translating and Interpreting). London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 183–210.
Publication type
Chapter in book
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Target language


The Bible is the text par excellence to demonstrate the cultural importance of translation. This chapter compares Rosenzweig and Buber’s with Meschonnic’s Bible translations and with his theory of language in the wider sense as a “poetics of society.” All three were convinced that their translations can have an impact on the “system of life.” Their translation strategies evolve around a particular notion of rhythm, focusing on its “signifiance,” that is, its “way to mean”: the signifying process of how sound and patterns organise language into meaningful configurations. Learning what language does, from the original Bible via its translation, is, according to Meschonnic, a means to change our conception of the subject, of the ethical, of the political, of the individual, and of society altogether.
Source : Publisher information