
Publication details [#45330]

Publication type
Article in Special issue
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‘Transcreation’ has appeared as a translation-related activity consisting in the creative reinterpretation of texts to suit the characteristics of an intended audience. However, the scientific literature surrounding transcreation does not offer a homogenous definition of the term. Given these disparities, the main objective of this work is to create a reliable source of reviewed scientific information about the topic. A sample of scientific works regarding the topic ‘transcreation’ has been compiled from databases and repositories of recognized reliability and has been analyzed with a qualitative data analysis software (NVivo). Findings show that research on transcreation expanded significantly between 2015 and 2019 and that most studies are of a qualitative nature. A critical analysis of the content connects transcreation with other fields of research: translation, communication, advertising and poetry. Following a concept-centric approach, this systematic literature review has permitted the formulation of definitions for transcreation and the landscape of academic research on the topic to be outlined.
Source : Based on abstract in journal