
Publication details [#4590]

Merino Alvarez, Raquel. 2001. Textos dramáticos traducidos y censurados en la España de Franco (años sesenta): el teatro y el cine, espectáculos controlados [Translated and censored drama in Franco's Spain (in the 1960's): drama and film as controlled shows]. In Sanderson, John Douglas, ed. ¡Doble o nada! Actas de las I y II jornadas de doblaje y subtitulación de la Universidad de Alicante [Dubbing or nothing! Proceedings of the 1st and 2nd conference on dubbing and subtitling of the University of Alicante]. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante. pp. 85–98.


This article is a short review of the many plays and films translated and censured during the sixties in Spain under Franco's dictatorship. It describes the historical contexts where censorship began to relax its demands opening up the import and massive consumption of foreign films and plays. It is also reproduces the application forms and resolution forms from the censors.
Source : BITRA / P. Orero Clavero