
Publication details [#4595]

Miquel i Vergés, Joan. 2002. L'e-topia del traductor: l'impacte cultural, social i lingüístic de les noves tecnologies de la informació i les comunicacions (TIC) i el paper de la traducció i dels traductors [The translator's e-topy: the cultural, social and linguistic impact of new technologies of information and communication (TIC) on the role played by translation and translators]. In Díaz Fouces, Oscar, Marta García González and J. Costa Carreras, eds. Traducció i dinàmica sociolingüística [Translation and sociolinguistic dynamics]. Barcelona: Llibres de l'Index. pp. 204–260.


The article first analyses the three basic areas - scientific, computing, and technological - where the new technological and telematic space (TIC) is founded and its future perspectives. In the second part it analyses how the TIC influences society in general and the translator in particular. And in the third part the article analyses how the TIC influences languages, cultures and which is the role of the translator in this new social space.
Source : BITRA / P. Orero Clavero