Publication details [#4596]
Mitamura, Teruko, Eric Nyberg, Kathy Baker, Peter Cramer, Jeongwoo Ko, David Svoboda and Michael Duggan. 2002. The KANTOO MT system: controlled language checker and lexical maintenance tool. In Richardson, Stephen D., ed. Machine Translation: from research to real users (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2499). Cham: Springer. pp. 248–252.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
KANTOO is a knowledge-based, interlingual machine translation system for multilingual document production. KANTOO includes: a) an MT engine, the result of fundamental redesign and reimplementation of the core algorithms of the KANT system (2, 4); and b) a set of off-line tools that support the creation and update of terminology and other knowledge resources for different MT applications. The demonstration will focus on two of the newer capabilities in KANTOO: Controlled Language Checker and Lexical Maintenance Tool.
Source : Bitra