
Publication details [#46323]

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Chapter in book
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This chapter deals with role of humour in audiovisual translation, and its importance and present-day ubiquity, not only in comedy, and the challenges faced by translators and researchers. A definition of humour and its justification for the purpose of AVT is offered, and variables, such as quality or worth of humour and its strength or degree. Attention is drawn to the distinction between humoristic forms and the essence of humour, and how they can be rendered in foreign-language versions. As awareness of humour translation grows it can only improve and expand the field of translation studies. Crucially, this affects debates on the amount of creativity (manipulation) translators of humour are “allowed”. Included is an overview and discussion of historical developments, theoretical foundations, and potential areas of research on the topic. Knowing more about humour in translation studies, and improvements in professional standards, is both necessary and beneficial.
Source : Publisher information