
Publication details [#47167]

Koutsoumpogera, Aspasia. 2022. Gender in Translation: The Handmaid’s Tale in Greek. In Sidiropoulou, Maria and Tatiana Borisova, eds. Multilingual Routes in Translation (New Frontiers in Translation Studies). Cham: Springer. pp. 217–226.
Publication type
Chapter in book
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Target language
Title as subject


The study explores the representation of women in two Greek translation versions (1990, 2018) of Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale. Drawing upon feminist theories of language and translation, and feminist practices in translation, the study critically examines how female identities are shaped in the Greek versions, to elucidate translator decision-making. The data show that the 1990 translator seems to have the tendency to neutralize female power, by raising religious connotations in shaping them, whereas the 2018 translator enforces the representation of powerful female identities, through items which highlight their power. Respondents confirmed the findings of the study through a questionnaire asking them to identify the powerful female representation, thus verifying that the second translation takes a more feminist translation approach, critically adjusting the representation of female identities. The significance of the study lies in that it shows the potential of discourse and translation to reshape identities and perpetuate or resist intended ideologies.
Source : Based on publisher information