Publication details [#47290]
Hu, Gengshen (胡庚申). 2020. Eco-Translatology: towards an eco-paradigm of Translation Studies (New Frontiers in Translation Studies). Cham: Springer. 312 pp.
Publication type
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Edition number
Edition info
ISBN (hardback): 978-981-15-2259-8 ISBN (paperback): 978-981-15-2262-8 ISBN (e-book): 978-981-15-2260-4
This book offers a panoramic view of the emerging eco-paradigm of Translation Studies, known as eco-translatology, and presents a systematic study of the theoretical discourse from ecological perspectives in the field of Translation Studies. Eco-translatology describes and interprets translation activities in terms of the ecological principles of eco-holism, traditional Eastern eco-wisdom, and ‘translation as adaptation and selection’. Further, eco-translatology approaches the phenomenon of translation as a broadly conceived eco-system in which the ideas of ‘translation as adaptation and selection’, as well as translation as a ‘textual transplant’ promoting an ‘eco-balance’, are integrated into an all-encompassing vision. Lastly, eco-translatology reinforces contextual uniqueness, emphasizing the deep embeddedness of texts, translations, and the human agents involved in their production and reception in their own habitus. In an increasingly globalised world, a new paradigm sourced from East Asian traditions but with universal appeal and applications adds to the diversity and plurality of global Translation Studies.
Source : Based on publisher information