
Publication details [#47647]

Abou Rached, Ruth. 2021. Paratranslating Iraqi Women’s Stories Twice: with reference to Alia Mamdouh’s novel (1986/2000), Mothballs (1995) and Naphtalene: A Novel of Baghdad (2005). In Bracke, Maud Anne, Julia C. Bullock, Penelope Morris and Kristina Schulz, eds. Translating Feminism: interdisciplinary approaches to text, place and agency. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 147–173.
Publication type
Chapter in book
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Title as subject


This chapter focuses on Mamdouh’s novel Mothballs (1986/2000), the first novel by an Iraq woman writer to be published twice, translated by Theroux, first as Mothballs and secondly as Naphtalene: A Novel of Baghdad. The changing representations of Mamdouh’s story in English (para) translation raises questions on what may have impacted on how this story came to be re-packaged twice: whose voices creating the story appear to be foregrounded in each version’s paratexts, that is the materials surrounding the story? Which voices does one have to work harder to see or hear? How are the politics of this novel re-presented in each English-language version? To guide this exploration of such questions, the author draws on the notion of feminist paratranslation, an analytical framework of feminist translation which focuses on paratexts while interrogating the geopolitical scope of doing so. This chapter also shows how one can revisit the nuances of Mamdouh’s iconic novel and why it still calls to be read, in whichever language or version that one finds it.
Source : Based on publisher information