
Publication details [#47662]

Castro, Olga and María Laura Spoturno. 2021. How Rebel Can Translation Be?: a (con)textual study of Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls and two translations into Spanish. In Bracke, Maud Anne, Julia C. Bullock, Penelope Morris and Kristina Schulz, eds. Translating Feminism: interdisciplinary approaches to text, place and agency. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 227–256.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Source language
Target language


In just a few months, the publication of Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls have been translated into more than fifty languages worldwide, including Spanish. Focusing on the Peninsular Spanish and the Argentinian versions of this translation, entitled Cuentos de buenas noches para niñas rebeldes (trans. Ariadna Molinari Tato, 2017), the aim of this chapter is to determine to what extent these two translations subvert or preserve traditional gender ideologies in relation to the way they had been portrayed in the source text. To do so, the authors firstly analyse the texts, paratexts and contexts relating to the source text, including the articulation of an authorial voice, the criteria for selecting stories, the nature of the publishing project and the examination of feminist subjectivities. Secondly, they examine how the book was marketed and received in the two target cultures and offer a detailed discursive and textual analysis of the ten stories about Latin American women included in the book.
Source : Based on publisher information