
Publication details [#4804]

Roser Nebot, Nicolás. 2001. Trujamán: intérprete comunitario y traductor para fines específicos en la baja edad media [Trujamán: a community interpreter and translator for specific purposes in the late Middle Ages]. In Martínez Romero, Tomás and Roxana Recio, eds. Essays on medieval translation in the Iberian peninsula (Estudis sobre la Traducció 9). Castelló de la Plana: Universitat Jaume I. pp. 309–324.


The article claims that the trujamán (linguistic intermediary in a negotiation) and his activity as interpreter-translator are essential for political and economic mediations not only in the Mediterranean, but all around Europe. He, as translator for specific purposes and as an interpreter for the community (or even as a translator acting as notary), was the center of a system where many texts had a legal situation depending on the interpretation, both linguistic and hermeneutic, of the trujamán.
Source : Bitra