Publication details [#48712]
Shen, Dan (申丹) and Kairui Fang (方开瑞). 2018. Stylistics. In Washbourne, Kelly and Ben Van Wyke, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Literary Translation. London: Routledge. URL
Publication type
Chapter in book
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The exclusion is partly attributable to the "erroneous understanding" that the analytic tool used by stylistics is early structuralist linguistics, which is too narrow to describe the complexity of literary texts. Literariness can be defined, in simplest terms, as what characterises literary language. In the translation of prose fiction, an important issue is how to convey the cues of the original literariness into the target text with the potential to arouse similar aesthetic and thematic response. After the cultural turn, there came at the turn of the century the cognitive turn in stylistics and, to a lesser extent, translation studies, and the cognitive is expected to retain its momentum for some time to come. Stylistics and narratology are very much complementary to each other in the analysis of literary texts, future stylistic analysis of literary translation may benefit from drawing on narratology.
Source : Publisher information