
Publication details [#4919]

Valero-Garcés, Carmen, ed. 2003. Traducción e interpretación en los servicios públicos: contextualización, actualidad y futuro [Translation and interpretation in public services: contextualization, state of the art and its future] (Interlingua 39). Granada: Comares. 314 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language


This volume brings together 29 collaborations from both theory and practice related to translating and interpreting for public services in Europe. They are the papers presented at the 2002 conference organized at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares in Spain. The book is organized in three sections: contextualization and future, present and future of translation and interpretation in Spanish public services, and finally some interviews, points of view, opinions from practitioners - translators, interpreters. Given the context of Europe – and European languages - much emphasis is given to the language services provided to the people who arrive in Europe through different channels, from non- EU countries and for diverse motives.
Source : Based on BITRA/ P.Orero Clavero

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