
Publication details [#4929]

Prüfer[-Leske], Irene and Pino Valero Cuadra. 2003. El mercado de la traducción alemán-español / español-alemán en la provincia de Alicante [Translation market German-Spanish/Spanish-German in the Spanish provice of Alicante]. In Puerta López-Cózar, José Luis and Assumpta Mauri Más. Manual para la redacción, traducción y publicación de textos médicos [A handbook for the writing, translation and publishing of medical texts]. Paris: Masson.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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The paper offers the first results of a didactical project supported by the University of Alicante. It tries to elucidate the trading and textual keys of the translation market (German-Spanish /Spanish-German) between managers and main institutions of Alicante and to extrapolate data to the classroom. As a first step, a poll has been sent to enterprises, asking their mercantile relationships abroad and the necessity of translations/translators for economic activities.The authors present here the first conclusions from this poll.
Source : Based on P. Orero Clavero