
Publication details [#4936]

Arbillaga, Idoia. 2003. La literatura china traducida en España [Chinese Literature translated into Spanish] (Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante: Monografías). Alicante: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante. 222 pp.
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This book offers the most comprehensive study – up to date – in Spanish about Chinese Literature and its reception. The book is divided into two parts. The first deals with the many literary translations, and groups them by genres: poetry, short-story, novel, and plays. The second part, after a short description of the content, focuses on the translation of essays and other texts which are difficult to classify. There is an appendix which is similar to the second part, this time containing medical texts and treaties related to yoga, tai-chi, and acupuncture. After the bibliography we find the only compilation which exists in Spanish of all Chinese texts translated into Spanish organised by the same criteria as the different genres studied in the book in the two different parts. This book is an extraordinary achievement given the thematic dispersion of the texts and the publishing houses, not forgetting the “exotic” nature of Chinese, and Chinese Literature from an editorial and academic point of view in Spain.
Source : P. Orero Clavero

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