Publication details [#4941]
Ortín, Marcel. 2001. Dickens en la literatura catalana (1892-1939): les traduccions i la primera coincidència amb Chesterton [Dickens in Catalan literature (1892-1939): his translations and the first encounter with Chesterton]. In Pegenaute Rodríguez, Luis, ed. La traducción en la Edad de Plata [Translation in the Silver Age]. Barcelona: PPU. pp. 187–213.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Person as a subject
The article gives a list of translations of Dickens into Catalan up to 1939, and examines his reception in Catalan literature around 1918, arguing for a connection between current literary ideas and the reading of Dickens's novels by G. K. Chesterton.
Source : BITRA/ P.O. Clavero Clavero