
Publication details [#49723]

Theys, Laura, Lise Nuyts, Peter Pype, Willem Pype, Cornelia Wermuth and Demi Krystallidou. 2021. The Empathic Communication Analytical Framework (ECAF): a multimodal perspective on emotional communication in interpreter-mediated consultations. In Balogh, Katalin, Esther de Boe and Heidi Salaets, eds. Interpreter Research and Training: the impact of context. Special issue of Linguistica Antverpiensia: New Series 20: 159–185.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language


This article presents the Empathic Communication Analytical Framework (ECAF). The tool draws on valid, complementary analytical tools that allow for a fine-grained, three-level multimodal analysis of interactions. The first level of analysis allows for instances of empathic communication (EC) in spoken language interpreter-mediated consultations (IMCs) to be identified and for participants’ verbal actions in the context of EC to be studied. The second level allows analysts to investigate participants’ verbal and nonverbal actions in the previously identified context of EC. The third level of analysis links the participants’ concurrent verbal and nonverbal (inter)actions to their levels of attention and awareness and shows how participants’ actions are shaped and in turn help to reshape the context of EC in IMCs. The article presents the various levels of the ECAF framework, discusses its application to real-life data, and adopts a critical stance towards its affordances and limitations by looking into one excerpt of EC in IMCs. It is shown that the three distinct yet interconnected levels of analysis in the ECAF framework allow participants’ concurrent multimodal interactions in the context of EC to be studied.
Source : Based on abstract in journal