
Publication details [#50233]

Hlavac, Jim and Bernadette Saunders. 2021. Simulating the context of interpreter-mediated social work interactions via interprofessional education. In Balogh, Katalin, Esther de Boe and Heidi Salaets, eds. Interpreter Research and Training: the impact of context. Special issue of Linguistica Antverpiensia: New Series 20: 186–208.


Details of the design and delivery of interprofessional education (IPE) training sessions for interpreting and social work students at Monash University are provided in this article. The sessions featured two role-plays that simulated typical interactions in which interpreters and social workers work together. To assess the effectiveness of the IPE training in meeting both general and specific learning outcomes, three research questions were posed. The questions relate to the reported usefulness of role-plays in enabling the acquisition of desirable skills and knowledge; an increase in the level of knowledge of the other professional group, one’s own group and the perceived benefits for service-users; and the usefulness of pre- and post-interactional activities, such as briefing and debriefing. On a Likert scale with five gradings the average levels of agreement regarding the usefulness of role-plays are high, as are the levels of agreement about increases in knowledge of the other professional group and those of the students’ own professional group. The student informants reported that the skills they gained are likely to be beneficial to clients and patients with limited English proficiency. The trainees’ responses to their pre- and post-interactional interactions show that both groups registered a high level of agreement that briefings and debriefings are useful.
Source : Based on abstract in journal