
Publication details [#50867]

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Chapter in book
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This chapter puts translation theory in dialogue with discussions in new materialist, posthumanist philosophy, both fields that are centrally concerned with relation. Some of the most exciting developments in translation theory are inspired by the ‘material turn’ in the humanities. Despret’s work on human-animal interactions or Cronin’s 2017 book, Eco-Translation: Translation and Ecology in the Age of the Anthropocene, for example, ask questions that go beyond an exclusive focus on human language or communication. But even these new approaches have not yet established a dialogue between translation studies and the vegetal world. This contribution proposes a view of translation as an ecology of human and more-than-human relations. What can translation be if one does not limit their understanding of this lived, material practice to anthropocentric representational meaning or reference? What can translation become if one moves beyond Cartesian epistemology towards a posthumanist process ontology concerned with the co-production of heterogeneous, human and more-than-human material relations and phenomena?
Source : Based on publisher information