
Publication details [#51116]

Sandberg, Anna. 2022. Transnational Literature and the Monolingual Paradigm Around 1800: Friederike Brun and Jens Baggesen. In Duffy, Cian and Robert W. Rix, eds. Nordic Romanticism: translation, transmission, transformation. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 57–78.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Person as a subject


Sandberg’s chapter examines two authors who can be seen as ‘border crossing’ figures, situated between national literatures, cultures, and languages. Both Brun and Baggesen lived and wrote in Copenhagen, which was the multicultural and plurilingual capital of the composite Danish-Norwegian-German state (The Kingdom of Denmark) and both were pioneers of European travel writing. Sandberg documents and discusses the cultural-historical processes involved in the marginalization and subsequent canonization of these two writers, who resist easy categorization within any single national tradition, and considers in closing what their careers can contribute to more recent models of ‘global’ literary history.
Source : Based on publisher information