
Publication details [#51945]

Gravet, Catherine and Katrien Lievois. 2020. La littérature francophone belge en traduction: méthodes, pratiques et histoire [Belgian francophone literature in translation: methods, practice, history]. In Gravet, Catherine and Katrien Lievois, eds. La littérature francophone belge en traduction [Belgian francophone literature in translation]. Special issue of Parallèles 32 (1): 3–27.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Source language


After demonstrating the legitimacy of studying Belgian French-speaking literature independently of French literature because it constitutes a coherent and autonomous corpus as many critics or historiographers have already argued, Gravet & Lievois consider it from the perspective of Translation Studies. Whether the translated French-speaking Belgian authors are canonized or not, they have been introduced into a wide variety of languages and cultures, depending on the period, context and literary genres in particular. A translator’s interest in those authors is sometimes personal, even emotional, and sometimes commercial, or even strategic from an editorial point of view. Gravet & Lievois discuss the methodological approaches that can be applied to this corpus, taking into account different theories, such as those of Even-Zohar, Heilbron and Sapiro, Casanova, Pym, Barré, Gouanvic, Latour, Venuti, Lotbinière-Harwood... Their objective is to show how vast and interesting the project is.
Source : Based on abstract in journal