Publication details [#52041]
Sharov, Alexei A. 2022. Biology of Translation: the role of agents. In Marais, Kobus, ed. Translation Beyond Translation Studies. London: Bloomsbury. pp. 63–79.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
This chapter on translation in biology expands the notion of translation both ‘upwards’ and ‘downwards’. Upwards, it shows that the sustainability of any ecology requires translation processes, whether that ecology includes humans or not. Downwards, it shows that, at the levels of molecule, cell and organism, a wide variety of processes, which could be called translational, are at play. The data in this chapter makes it clear that translation is not interlingual only. The more the sciences move away from a mechanistic, atomistic and substantive worldview, the more they will need a conceptualization of translation to explain the emergence of organisms, ecologies, societies and cultures. The chapter also raises the question whether a ‘unified’ translation studies is possible.
Source : Based on editor’s introduction