
Publication details [#52047]

Doczekalska, Agnieszka and Łucja Biel. 2022. Interlingual, Intralingual and Intersemiotic Translation in Law. In Marais, Kobus, ed. Translation Beyond Translation Studies. London: Bloomsbury. pp. 99–118.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language


This chapter discusses interlingual, intralingual and intersemiotic translation, and explores how they are conceptualized and used in the area of law. First, the authors overview historical developments and key ideas related to the use of mainly interlingual translation for legal purposes, such as translation as language right, legal transplants and multilingual drafting. Next, they focus on intralingual translation connected with law-making and application, that is, when policies are translated into law and when legal rules are decoded from legal provisions, in addition to harmonization and transposition, which also involve interlingual translation to some degree. Finally, they discuss intersemiotic translation in the context of legal design and sign interpreting.
Source : Based on introduction in book