
Publication details [#5244]

Ruiz Casanova, José Francisco. 2001. La República de las letras (1905 y 1907): un ejemplo de recepción, afinidad estética y deserción traductora [The journal República de las letras (1905 and 1907): a case of reception, aesthetic affinity and translation defection]. In Pegenaute Rodríguez, Luis, ed. La traducción en la Edad de Plata [Translation in the Silver Age]. Barcelona: PPU. pp. 283–293.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The article first describes the literary journal República de las letras (Republic of letters) from a variety of perspectives: physical, historical, aesthetic, ideological, and in terms of collaborators and contents. The author explains that the journal initially offered an outlet for the best European poetry in translation, but it later neglected that translation aspect, which was one of the starting ideological considerations underlying its foundation.
Source : BITRA/ P. Orero Clavero