
Publication details [#52444]

Publication type
Chapter in book
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This chapter follows the paratextual trajectory of the Nobel Prize in literature laureate Modiano in Swedish translation. The aim is to investigate how three publishing houses, Albert Bonniers, Norstedts, and Elisabeth Grate bokförlag, have marketed their translations of the high prestige author Modiano using the book covers, focusing on aspects of ‘Frenchness’ and connotations of high prestige. Questions that have guided the analysis are: How have the three publishing houses designed Modiano’s Swedish book covers? What aspects have been highlighted by the different publishing houses in Modiano’s publishing trajectory? How have the covers changed over time? The main results are that expectancy norms for high prestige translations from French seem to be oriented towards vernacularizing strategies, highlighting ‘French’ aspects such as Parisian motifs, monochrome cover art, and titles that are kept close to the originals. All three publishing houses have to some degree adopted vernacularizing marketing strategies in their covers, and seem to be targeting a specific presumptive book buyer who appreciates and expects connotations of French literature and high prestige.
Source : Based on abstract in article