
Publication details [#5257]

Salama-Carr, Myriam, ed. 2000. On translating French literature and film 2 (Rodopi Perspectives on Modern Literature). Amsterdam: Rodopi. 241 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition info
Paperback ISBN: 90-420-1441-2


This collection of essays, which has its beginnings in the second Conference on Translating French Literature and Film organized by the European Studies Research Institute of the University of Salford, together with the Henry Peyre French Institute, University of New York Graduate Center, bears witness to the centrality of the translator's presence, whilst, at the same time, confirming the diversity of approaches in the field. Beyond the three-pronged thematic organization of the volume -translation of French prose, of French poetry and of French film- plural relationships that hold between the various parts of the whole can be seen to emerge. Unifying principles such as the creative nature of the translator's work, the impossibility of neutral intervention, and the role played by translations -and therefore translators- in the creation of genres, should not lead us to overlook the diversity of constraints which bear upon their work.
Source : Bitra

Articles in this volume