
Publication details [#52936]

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Chapter in book
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This chapter discusses how corpus technologies and practices of corpus design and data curation may enhance studies on public service interpreting (PSI). Empirical studies in PSI usually refer to qualitative frameworks from sociolinguistics or sociology and avoid or even reject corpus linguistic methods, which are then associated with positivist paradigms. However, working with corpora does not necessarily imply a certain research framework. Rather, digital technologies allow for different approaches and may even be beneficial for qualitative research. The first section gives a brief introduction to the concept of ‘corpora’. The second discusses reasons for corpus-based research in PSI studies and outlines the methodological status of corpora in PSI research, the third presents some examples of PSI studies based on corpora, the fourth takes the Community Interpreting Database as an example of corpus design and data curation, and the last two summarise the chapter and make suggestions for further reading.
Source : Based on publisher information