
Publication details [#52941]

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Chapter in book
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This chapter centres on research that investigates interpreter-mediated communication in different administrative stages of the asylum adjudication procedure. The main focus lies on research that explores authentic communication data. Starting with a chronological outline of the development of this subfield of research, this review discusses the epistemological and theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches that were chosen in the literature under review. It then outlines recurring and salient issues and strands of topic, such as obstacles in interpretation and communicative breakdowns, interpreters’ influence on the determination of the credibility of applicants’ statements, narrative inequalities inherent to the system, the positioning of interpreters vis-à-vis the other interactants, power asymmetries and their effect on interpreters’ alignment with the other interlocutors and interpreting for vulnerable groups of applicants. A concluding section examines work that does not fall strictly into an asylum context but straddles fields that are linked to it such as interpreting in a transnational migratory context or in reception and municipal institutions.
Source : Publisher information